Thursday, February 19, 2009

Getting there.

I have performed the Mystic Rite of Heel Turning, picked up my gusset stitches, and am headed on down the foot.

It'll go faster now, won't it? Won't it?? Right?


  1. Um... that depends on how tall you made the leg. :) (ducking and running)

  2. Like the Yarn Harlot says, at that point, you're 50% there! he he

  3. Once I turn the heel I always feel like I'm on the home stretch. You are making really good progress! I'll be turning my heel tonight too.

  4. I always find that it takes an age from the turn to the end... but as Bells said - you've over 50% now!

  5. If it makes you feel any better I am now on the foot for the third time (knitting toe up). If this doesn't work out I will be offering one of my cats instead of a sock (Burmese, blue or brown depending on your colour preference, both female). And I'm looking into the concept of more than 24 hours in a day. That's got to help? Yes????

  6. I dunno, I usually knit socks toe up. Heel turning for me comes after the foot!

  7. Sometimes it seems to take forever to finish the foot. I always want to get to the toe and have made some short socks that way!

  8. Don't listen to them! Yes, once you turn the heel and finish the gusset you're in the home stretch. The gusset decrease rows go a bit slowly for me but once those are done I only have a few inches to knit before the toe magic can begin.

  9. YES! It will go faster! I promise!!! Always does!

    (spamword-- bothst) Both stitches... seriously--a knitter's spamword, who knew?

    I'll be starting my sock this weekend--you're doing GREAT!

  10. Turned my heel this afternoon! Yeah! In the homestretch now (yes, it goes faster now, it does, it does!)
