Friday, January 09, 2009

ZOMG!! Bugs in our food!!

Remember the cochineal discussion, from my Red post? About how insect blood is used as a red food colorant, among other things?

The Federal government finally noticed.

I'm so glad they're here to tell me these things. Oy.


  1. Ha - and purple comes from fermented dead cone shells.......

    I loved your music wrap up - when we were living in Hong Kong they ruined Bachs Toccata and Fugue by using it as an add to remind people to wash their vegetables properly! I can't here it without thinking of submerged carrots and broccoli.

    I play classical music while I do stuff - washing up and cooking - hard rock is for energetic stuff and folk for nothing in particular. But that's just me - and I adore Carmen, La Boheme and La Wally (because of the wonderful French film, Diva) but Fantasia is still cool and Wagner still makes me think of dat bunny is a dwess!

  2. Ick, eww, ick. I'm not sure I wanted to know that my cherry yoghurt was probably made pink with but parts. Now I won't think of anything but that.

  3. I used to eat sheep brains as a kid and my grandfather's favourite used to be pigs trotters. People eat haggis and black pudding. There are cook books out there spotlighting semen as an ingredient.

    Somehow I'm not bothered by crushed beetles as a food colouring ;)

  4. I only know that because I watch obscure television...

  5. I only know that because I watch obscure television... (spamword: sestific)

  6. Oh dear. I assume last week's story was "shock! horror! your breakfast egg is a chicken embryo!". Next week, "might your meatloaf contain deceased cow?"

    I'm heartened to realise that the EU hasn't banned natural carmines - E120, for any European label-readers...

  7. Based on the link it looks like they were forced to tell you.

  8. Actually, most of the things in the Scientific American article are incorrect. And...E120 -IS- the same as cochineal, sorry!

    It's actually pretty safe.
