Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Random thoughts.

Because there's a feral toddler in the house, trying out all she learned during the holidays from about twenty cousins. They should all get together and write a book called 'How to try manipulating your parents and piss them off instead'. Yesterday she tried screaming, that unholy high-pitched stuff little kids do. I screamed back. Scared the crap out of her. Then she got mad. So I had mad, feral toddler AND a sore throat.

I'm babbling. Sheer frustration. Getting a grip. Argh.

I'm through a full pattern repeat on the Faux Russian Scarf, and I find the whole thing rather tedious. I know, high humor coming from me; I'm the one who didn't balk at a thousand repeats of a lace pattern, doing the shawl for my mother-in-law. In fact, I think that's the problem; I'm used to doing doilies, and they have multiple (six to twelve, generally) pattern repeats. This thing has, on some rows, three pattern repeats, and on others, none. Which means I stare at the chart all the time. Not a big deal for some. Annoying as hell for me.

I've also decided that it's for sure, and I really hate garter-based lace. I've mentioned before in 'what makes lace hard?' discussions, but now I'm positive. The way the stitch sits on the needle makes it difficult to work any kind of decrease. Add in I'm using splitty yarn (my fault entirely), and it's a constant annoyance.

One good thing... after rounds of 1700+ stitches, this scarf, with about a hundred stitches per row, seems like it's going lightning fast. Even if it isn't.

I'm getting back to my father-in-law's sweater, soon. Partly because he'll be here in twenty days and I sort of implied it would be ready, but mostly because it's far less annoying than the lace and makes a good break. This is exactly why I like having two projects to switch around with; get annoyed with one, knit on the other. Once the cable-knit is done - won't take long, it's just ten more rounds of arm decreasing and then the shoulder straps - I'll move on to the Russian Prime and use it as a break.

Mentioned to the husbeast that the goal for the year was to finish everything in the Yarn Pit and he said something semi-polite about it being a good idea. Then he started on about the Dale of Norway I started in 2003 that is likely not getting finished this year, anyway. (It's the one with the major structural problems.) Any yearly theme that involves me finishing that sweater is a no-go. I refuse to commit to finishing it. I should probably just throw it away, but I remember the work that I put into it, and, well, it's folded all nice and neat with some lavender and it'll wait another year.

I'm still taking the Lyrica for nerve damage. I've started bumping into things and stubbing my toes (my usual problem with this entire class of drugs), but I'm not having the massive vertigo. Just occasional dizziness. At this stage, I'm trying to figure out when in the hell to take it so that I sleep off the worst of the loopiness. The flip side is, it's working. I used to get so many nerve misfires I tuned them all out collectively (to the point I'd burn myself without noticing). Now it's quiet enough that I can feel things; I still get occasional mis-fires for no reason, but they're sharp and fast, so who cares. You go 'ow' and go on.

The Goober just peed on the floor for the second time in two days.

My fingernails are shredded from the week-long knitting marathon over Christmas and all cut down nearly to the pink. I'm having trouble picking things up.

Sekhmet has been nearly nice these last few days, and put up with tail-pulling and head thumping and other nonsense and only swatted the Goober once. No, the cat does not get in trouble for simple swats, when a child has a finger in her ear.

I'm looped. The husbeast has nothing to add. Sekhmet's staring at me like I landed from Mars. Yup. Time to hit "Publish."


  1. just a question. with all the pain and headaches, have you ever tried acupuncture or any kind of oriental medicine?

    it does work well for certain things, but i don't know if it would work well for any of your issues, or if you had even tried it.

    oh - and thanks for the blog, look forward to it! seriously the most entertaining and informative of all the knit themed blogs on my bloglines role - u ROCK!!


  2. The goober behaviour=cousin kickback. We get that whenever our kids see their cousins, am I completely insane that we are about to spend the whole of next week camping in tents with my sister and her kids? Absolutely! The boundaries will be firmly in place especially the day after we get home!
    With regard to the meds and their timing do you have/can you get access to any literature (Possibly physician desk reference type book) that can let you know the half life of the various side effects? My FIL was a pharmacist and he had a Martindale reference book. Slightly easier than trying to keep track of them all. Maybe a medico friend or family member?

  3. Oh dear, post-Christmas blues. They are horrible. I'm having them too.

    Pictures of the Goob! More! I love them. Plus, you can think of them as great revenge. Think of all the ammo you'll have when she's older & starts bringing her boyfriends home...

  4. When our cats pee on the floor, we take them to the vet. The Goob doesn't have cystitus, does she? I know nothing about kids.

  5. Urgh...I've had Ladybug 'on her own' for a couple of days... on her own, she's actually really clingy (which is nice sometimes) but once her brother gets here? Nightmare. Complete nightmare. Believe me, I feel your pain...

    You know, maybe if you simply took a big flat part of the 'Dale of Norway', sewed a felt back to it with some edging, and left it laying around the house, Sekhmet might think it was knitting you were still working on and sleep on it... (And then the Husbeast could at least acknowledge that it was 'finished'!!!!)

  6. Okay-- I went back and looked at the sweater again. Completely nix that last suggestion--I'd forgotten how beautiful is the 'Sweater of Shame'. Maybe finish it and give it to orphans? Frame it, so no one notices the fit? Something. It really is lovely...

  7. I kinda liked Orenburg, but I do have a sampler sitting halfway through a pattern. It's just watching which way the holes move.

    But man, the real Orenburg shawls are knitted out of floaty sewing-thread thick yarn, then blocked like crazy, so they are flat. No garter-stitchy ridginess at all.

    My verification today is "consized," which I guess depends on the size of the con. Orgins, Gencon, what?

  8. Interesting about garter based lace. I have looked at those patterns and wondered. You're not endearing me to the Russian stole now.

  9. So my dilemma with the 2009 year plan of finishing stuff is that I have grown. That means I don't have enough yarn for me to make what the original yarn was purchased for.

    I mean come on really. I found some yarn that I purchased in 2005 that isn't being dyed anymore. I purchased enough for a vest so now what do I make?


  10. I had a cat that used to just ping my youngest child in the face and I let him do it. Why? Because she would never let him alone. Whe picked on him all the time and it was the only way he had to let her know he didn't like it. At least he didn't claw her face bloody, which he would have been perfectly justified in doing sometimes.
