Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quote for the day.

This used to be a tradition, back when I kept a journal; I'd write down whatever one-liners I heard during the day, that I found hilarious. I keep meaning to get back to it here on the blog, and then I keep forgetting.

Maybe if I give it a post of its own, I'll remember.

Tuesday's quote was supposed to be "When you're attacked by someone named SkullCrusher, well, it's time for concern." -- Some anthropologist, talking about the Viking Invasions.

Today's quote? It's from some silly 'toon, Phineas and Ferb, and I believe summarizes the attitude of every young boy on summer vacation: "We're gonna need a blow torch and more peanut butter."


  1. Love that show's perfect summer, except mine is much shorter!

  2. I'm going to try to work that into conversation today somehow.
