Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Even better than Monday!


Spent an hour driving up to Summerville and back to get a cable box for the TV that turned out to be a dud. Now I've got to drive BACK on Thursday and deal with it. And did I mention today's trip involved towing the Goober along?

I feel like the Goober turned two today. She didn't, but she sure as hell acted like it. Every time I turned around she was sticking her hand in my drink. Almost pulled the cat's ear off - "OOOOH! Fuzzy!" (Sekhmet did nothing. Fucker.) Was into SOMETHING the instant I turned my back, all day (not being able to go to the bathroom alone makes me cranky) and finished things off by deliberately throwing her dinner on the floor.

At that point, she got put to bed. An hour and a half early.

Excuse me while I huddle in a corner, knitting, and chanting "There is no internet in prison. There is no internet in prison."


  1. Actually, judging by the work-release program where convicted felons take your personal information to sell you furniture, I'd say that there IS internet in prison.

    But there's sure as shit no knitting. Early bedtime was probably your best option.

  2. Julie, This is off the topic but I was surfing around the internet and I wondered if you knew about www.bookdepository.co.uk they deliver worldwide post free. Have some fun!

  3. I bet she does something really cute soon to remind you why you love being a mother and how amazing she is.

  4. A wonderful woman I know once told me that your children can be horrid little monsters for most of their lives but once they turn into adults,they become lovely young women. And then you can have a relationship with them. I hung onto those words for years.

  5. MOreover, they don't let you knit, and you don't get to choose your roommates. Avoid prison and behavior that will put you there.

  6. Just remember there is always payback when the Goob has kids ;-)


  7. Just keep chanting, "Children are the punishment for sex." It kept me out of prison for years.

  8. It helped me to remind myself "she's not *deliberately* trying to drive me crazy!!" Sometimes it was a chant.

  9. That was right around the age where I went from working 40 hours with my husband at home with the child, to fulltime mom with the husband working the 40 hours.


  10. "And this to shall pass"

    At least I hope to hell it will. Ugh, I hate those days. Just be happy it isn't x4 in opposite directions.

    I also try to "remember" that others have to have it worse than this, or at least that's what I'm telling myself and noone better ruin it. :P

  11. Motherhood wouldn't be as remarkable and powerful as it is if we didn't have to refrain from strangling our offspring. That's what I tell myself when Peanut goes into ToddlerSpace.

  12. For my first Mother's Day, my dear mother gave me a notepad that said - "Motherhood -- explains why some animals eat their young". Another favorite - "Raising children is like trying to nail Jello to a tree". Hang in there! KNIT, KNIT, KNIT!
