Monday, April 14, 2008

Sekhmet, you fucker.

After she crawled up, uninvited, she decided she didn't like the motion caused by my treadling, and BIT MY LEG.


  1. Love the way our furry ones pass on messages.My Birman, Kuma usually bites my feet when he needs me to do something, yesterday he progressed to biting my hands while I was trying to knit!I was obviously a bit slow on the uptake, he needed food.

  2. Gotta love that we have pets 'to improve our lifestyle'!

  3. Tubby Custard much prefers to stick her paws in the wheel (betweem the spokes) when I am spinning. I have to stop suddenly but she's too cute to be angry with.

  4. Chicken wanted to say:

    W-O-W I think my cat did that yesterday at string hanging off my hat. the only difference was that i thought he was a brain sucker.
