Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A note from the dark side.

Where all the wool is black, and all the knitting is knaughty. [Insert evil laugh here.]

Finished plying the first half of the Reactor Coolant. Got 350 yards out of it (!!!) I won't be selling this batch; I want to knit it up and see how good the spinning is. Depending, I will probably sell the second half of the batch in spun form. If anyone wants regular yarn dyed in that color scheme, or some unspun roving, let me know. As always, I'm happy to do custom orders and they come with free shipping.

My hands are killing me due to the spin-fest and my efforts to finish the Zen sweater so I can start knitting up the Reactor Coolant (which isn't even dry yet). I'm also working up the motivation to dye the rest of the wool I've got here - another experiment, this one titled "Citrus Grove". (Unless it looks like shit, then I'll call it "Bong Water".) I'm not looking forward to listening to the husbeast bitch about the vinegar smell again, but I've got two pounds of wool coming in the mail to dye, so I should probably finish dyeing what I've got before it gets here. (Ha.)

Picked up a copy of Vogue Knitting's spring/summer issue last night. I was sneering before I even picked it up off the magazine rack at the store. Brace yourselves. Review for that, probably tomorrow. And the Zoolander model is back. I will endeavor to restrain myself. But probably fail.

Now I'm off to knit, or spin, or dye, or snort wool, or go insane.

Wait. Already did that.


  1. I cannot wait for the VK review. Your reviews are the only reason I buy the magazine - I like to follow along with them.

    Can't wait to see a swatch of the Reactor Coolant. Um, not that I'm enabling you or anything ...

  2. Wohoo, a Vogue review coming up and the idea of snorting wool. Life is good. :)

  3. diss vk? whatever took you so long? the minute i saw the cover i knew you'd have fun with it!

    -- ellen in indy

  4. A new VK with the Zoolander model. Heh. Oh boy.

  5. I, too, await the dissing, oh wool sniffing, coolant knitting, roving dying one.

  6. Bong water. I love it. I already "read" the vk and it was laughable. I don't know why I keep buying it. I guess because there isn't much else.

  7. And I like the smell of vinegar.

  8. How did I miss this post? I swear I checked, too!!! Just imagine the hits you'd get if you named the color 'bong water' *snork*
