Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's spring!

How do I know? Two ways.

The first, more traditional way, is that everyone in the house has a nose full of snot. Including the cat.

The second, more fun way? The Washington Post did their Peep Diorama contest. Click. You must.

My fave is the Tomb of King Peepankhamun. Of course.

Otherwise, still trying to take a break from the fiber stuff, still listening to the iPod, still reading textile history books and fighting the urge to build my own draw loom on the back porch.

Or maybe a trebuchet. Hmmm. Textiles, or declare war on the neighbors. Hmmm.


  1. Oh, I would definitely go with the trebuchet. I remember watching a show about making them and my family really wants one. A big one. I'm not sure who we would lob boulders at, or where we would get boulders, but it looks like a fun thing to have in the yard. And thanks for the Peeps link. My favorite was the Trouble with Tribbles!

  2. my friend's little brother built a large scale one for a high school project a few years ago - it is do-able and has been done. The peeps were hilarious by the way.

  3. Lucky you for it being spring. Here in Portland we have cherry blossoms and snow today. NOVA did a show about the trebuchet a few years ago where they found the advantage was having a swinging counterweight because the weight could be adjusted. It is one of my favourite NOVA programs.
    My favourite peep diorama was the one with the Cheshire Cat.

  4. My favorite thing to do with Peeps is to make Peepsicles. Stick a Peep on a craft stick (or toothpick) and dip it in melted semi-sweet chocolate chips. Freeze for at least 30 min. Now you know what to do with all those Peeps!

  5. trebuchet! you could always load the bucket with roving.... or dye

  6. A trebuchet take up more space than a draw loom. Construction, or destruction - where ya gonna put your energy?

    Have you ever seen the Northern Exposure episode where Chris built a trebuchet and flung Maggie's couch? Soul-satisfying!

  7. That trebuchet on the neighbors could let go of a loooot of angst!!! I didn't see the peeps... I may go back and sign in for the Washington post to do it (because I'm that sick) but right now, I've got a shower window I gotta take...

  8. Hmm, a trebuchet to fling Peeps maybe? Loved King Peepahnkamun. I've wanted my own trebuchet for years; there are so many things I'd like to fling... Hey, Roxie, remember Chris also flung a piano. Now that was satisfying.

    Hey, my verification word is fkcmw. Sounds like my new motto.

  9. everyone i shared the peeps link with totally loved it -- even my boss! she had me send it to the rest of the dept!

    ellen in indy

    p.s. -- i think verification is sleepy: my "word" is ywnspeft

  10. The Peep dioramas are awesome. That's a way better use than the contest we hold around here-- an "eat until you pop" Peeps eating competition. My personal record is 50 in an hour, but I think last year's winner had around 85 in the same amount of time.

  11. One of the guys in our canton made a trebuchet. That was so cool.

    But I vote for textiles, because trebuchets take up more room in the garage. Well -- at least at first.

  12. I have a 45" LeClerc conterbalance loom in my living room, right where a couch would normally go. I'm all for the building of a loom in the house.

    Of course, it's a lot easier to stalk the second-hand loom pages and wait for a bargain - my entire setup, everything I need to weave, cost $250. Canadian.

    And the local Boy Scouts are buildign a trebuchet. It's going to toss potatoes. And if Iknow the Boy Scouts, anything else they can fit in the bucket, as well!

    But now I'm imagining a hailstorm of Peeps descending on your neighbors' house...colorful, fun, and stress-relieving, all at the same time!!
