Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sekhmet, you FUCKER.


  1. Sekhmet was just lying on the softest thing around. It just happened to be your Russian Prime Sweater! I have to tell you how much I've enjoyed watching you spin with such joy. I'm scouting out wheels and looking forward to trying this new hobby. I hope it's as much fun as you make it sound.

  2. Have scientists identified the gene that enables cats to track down fresh knitting?

  3. *snrk* Smells like the Mommy maybe?? Our cats' primary sleeping spots are anything I have worn, taken off, and not immediately gotten into the laundry basket.

  4. OH yeah. The 'you are completely extraneous to requirements' body language is good too. Your Sekhmet and my Aimee (Amelia Peabody) Jarrahkatt should never meet...

  5. Your cat shows what great taste she has. Mine live to help their mom everynight with her knitting.

  6. Because being possessed by the devil gives you a taste for the very best...

  7. But, a warm and snuggly fucker!

  8. but... it's so warm... and snuggly! And it smells of mummy. And it just so happens to be on a nice, comfy arm chair. What is there to tempt him to sleep somewhere else?

  9. My favorite chair, now softer and fluffier!

  10. I wonder if the stripe down her back is the giveaway that she has a really strong bugger gene?
    One of ours has a subtle one on her chest and she thinks it's hilarious to attack feet after you have walked past.Sekhmets is much larger hence greater attitude ..... what else can one say?

  11. Gotta do something to maintain the reputation. And there isn't enough cat hair on this sweater.
