Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving at my house.

ME: I think I'm going to use the roaster to do the turkey.

HUSBEAST: We don't have a roaster.

ME: Sure we do. The one I dye yarn in.

HUSBEAST: Yum. Purple turkey.

ME: I intended to scrub it out first. Besides, the way the roasting process works, if there's color left in there, it won't get on the bird.

HUSBEAST: Oh, okay.

ME: But the gravy might turn pink.


  1. I"m sorry--"Purple turkey, pink gravy" just doesn't have the selling power of "Green eggs and ham..." But it DID make me hella crack up!!!!

  2. I give Husbeast credit...I would have had to listen to how it's unsanitary to roast a turkey were yarn had lurked. Yes, my husbeast is a germaphobic, or somthing.


  3. That's the good thing about the way you dye. My pots are all "designated for fiber only" once I've used them for acid dyes.

    And I sort of think that pink gravy might be visually interesting...

  4. So what's wrong with pink gravy? I kinda like pink and as long as it tastes good....

  5. With many dyers, I would read about roasting the turkey in the dye pan and get all alarmed.

    With you, I just wonder if purple icing dye turns that scary bright bluish green coming out, the way grape Pedialyte does.

    (Probably way TMI except for moms of children of a certain age and sickness.)

  6. LOL - I want to see a picture of your Thanksgiving dinner!

  7. Me too! Pictures...
