Sunday, November 04, 2007


We were at a combination birthday and going-away party for a friend of ours last night. When we all started singing "Happy Birthday", the Goober shouted "CAKE!" at the top of her voice. No dummy, my kid. Got her priorities straight. Between us, we ate three pieces. She's right as rain this morning. I'm nauseated from all the fat and sugar.

The friend having the party was the fearless leader of our trivia team. With him leaving, we're going to consolidate with another group of people who played trivia and worked with the hubby, and make one big team. (It was fun when both teams were playing in one place; we'd all boo each other and throw french fries.) So trivia goes on. Last week we won a $20 gift certificate for a pretty good restaurant. More and more 'real' restaurants are running this trivia tournament, as a way to fill the place up on a slow night. These days we've got about twenty places to choose from and can pick the kid-friendly venues. (Though the hub still plays without me and the Goober at the biker bar.)

Otherwise, I think I'm out the other side of the drug switchover. It only took a week longer than I planned; not bad. I switched from two pretty serious drugs - tranquilizers and narcotic painkillers - over to an anti-depressant and an arthritis drug related to anti-inflammatories. (Anti-depressants work on pain control. It's weird, and I didn't quite believe it before I tried it, but it's true.) Anyway, once the new drugs kicked in, I had to quit the old ones, and have basically been doing drug withdrawal for the last month. It's a lot like having the flu, with migraines.

So that's why things have been pretty dead around here; they've been dead in real life, too. I've spent two weeks laying on the couch. The good news is, now that I'm on the new drugs, I should spend a lot less time 'drugged up', and I shouldn't - hopefully - have to tinker with the medication again for a year or two. (Eventually my stomach will quit tolerating the anti-inflammatory. I'm dreading it already.)

It's officially cold here. At the Yarn Harlot's, it's officially winter when the heater goes on. At my house, it's official when the husbeast puts the hard top on the Jeep.



  1. Love trivia. And I love to give accurate alternative answers. ie: "What does the Statue of Liberty have on her feet?" Real answer - sandals. My answer - seagull poop.

    Yay for the Goober! Wish I could get away with it.

    Good luck with the drugs. Illness sucks!

  2. That had to suck. I admit I was worrying about you when you were talking about the quantities of Lortab you were on. Me, the body's got no excuse for the latest round of migraines except maybe perimenopause. Hormone withdrawal, yeah, dat's the ticket. Of course, that does lead to amusing conversations with the husband about what age of body we'd trade in for (and what the younger trade-ins would have to be thinking to do the trade).

  3. It sort of makes sense that an SRI or similar drug would help with pain. With more seratonin, you do tend to feel better. I just never really thought of it that way...

    Cake is also pretty good for pain. Or, even if it isn't, it'll still make ya happy!

  4. It's strange how drugs work. I know my mum's on some that make you think "???" when you realize that they're for migraines.

    ps. It snowed here in Edmonton last night. Winter has showed up, but it shouldn't stay that long, and it's not here for good yet.

  5. It's strange how drugs work. I know my mum's on some that make you think "???" when you realize that they're for migraines.

    ps. It snowed here in Edmonton last night. Winter has showed up, but it shouldn't stay that long, and it's not here for good yet.

  6. Yeah cake--and double triple yay on the drug switchover evening out...I knew that's what was going on, but still--it's hard knowing that your health generally sucked.

    Trivia is also a great of my favorite games, may you and the Husbeast kick ass!

  7. I love a good trivia game. It's amazing what we keep in the steel traps inside our heads. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

  8. I hope your new meds do what they need to. Have you been prescribed Cymbalta? It's a great medicine, but a killer to get off of. (It was a personal choice to stop it.)
