Sunday, October 28, 2007

Metallurgy, and knitting, and kitchen gear.

Oh my.

For the one or two of you still interested in the metallurgy topic, there's a good history of it, here. (Unfortunately it's a bit on the technical side, but you can get the gist.) Among other interesting links I've turned up, is that East Africa produced a lot of the early steel; knitting was invented in Egypt. Concidence? I'm starting to think not. Then, knitting spread out of Spain to Western Europe at about the same time that Spain started producing enough steel to export it.

Interesting. (Oh, yes it is. Quit rolling your eyes at me.)

The Russian Prime is a single round away from the arm pits:

Tonight I hope to put the armpit stitches on holders, establish the steeks, and all that rot. Then it's a simpler, faster pattern, all the way up to the shoulders. The sleeves are picked up in the same pattern and knit downward, continuing the pattern to the wrists. It's cool. You'll all want to knit one.

Tonight, cooking dinner, I used a new gadget, a Microplane grater.

This is the zester, but I used it tonight on parmesan cheese. It's sharper than a razor blade and made quick work of the cheese, producing a really fine, papery grate. Awesome. You cooks out there, check them out. They're worth the money and more beside.


  1. I love my microplane grater. I've had one for ages. It's good for chocolate, too. :)

  2. Weren't microplanes invented in your great nation? I've been using for ages. *flicks hair arrogantly*

    You know, I look at your Russian Prime and curse you. You have made such fast work of it and my jacket languishes.

  3. I also love my microplane grater! Perfect for those last little bits of cheese. Unfortunately my knuckles are well-acquainted with its sharp little teeth. Apparently when I grate, I GRATE.

  4. I am getting one for my husband for Christmas. They were grated the best for something or other on America's Test Kitchen. To my husband that means "must own"

  5. Actually, Julie, it is interesting and there is nothing wrong with stretching the gray matter once in a while. The sweater looks gorgeous. I have never steeked and that part looks dangerous but I love the green and white design. Before I buy a microplaner, I have to buy a brulee torch. My husband wants one so bad and he doesn't eat brulee. He just wants to have fire in the kitchen.

  6. I'm still game for the archeometallurgy... perhaps just because I love the fact that the computer doesn't think it's a real word. And as for the microplanes? Uhm...if they don't come with the pizza order, my family wouldn't know what to do with them.

  7. The Russian Prime looks great. I don't know if you've mentioned before, but what gauge is it?

  8. The whole archeo-metalurgything is fascinating! I'm wondering if the tiny, fine knitting might have been done on a rack with a hook. (I know rugs were knitted on knitting racks.) When I use anything steel for very long, (quilting needles for example)the acid in my skin begins to corrode it till it becomes too rough to be useful. Would steel knitting needles be similarly affected? A steel hook used on a wooden rack would be cheaper and easier to keep the working end smooth.
