Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sekhmet, you fucker.

That's me, sitting on the edge of my office chair while the cat refuses to move.

Oh, sure, you can say it's my fault for not moving her, but you don't know this cat.


  1. I could tip a chair like that so it's completely vertical, and my cat still wouldn't move a milimetre... Usually easier to work round them, I find...

  2. *snorts tea*

    How long did that last? Just long enough for the husbeast to take the photo (or has the baby discovered the camera?)

  3. Oh no...I know Sekhmet, that fucker--you had no choice, none at all..

  4. After spending the day with my brother's hyperactive dog, I am developing a greater appreciation for a sedentary cat. Even the ones that need to sleep on my person! And you're right. It's not worth the effort it takes to move them. There will be retribution.

  5. I have one of these! Her name is Katja. She's made it very clear that she'd rather be squashed to death than give up her rightful place on my husband's chair. She's not lazy...just unbelievably obstinate ;-)
