Monday, July 09, 2007

Sekhmet, you fucker.

I've been trying to discourage her from laying in my chair... I thought "Oh, I'll leave books on the cushion, that will work."



  1. Thought balloon: "Move OVER, book. Sheesh."

    Thanks for the tip about Schmidt's -- the cream puff was the highlight of that day.

    alwen, cursing @#$% Blogger!

  2. That's precious!! That's like the kid falling asleep while hanging upside down off the couch.

  3. Julie when I'm at work, I'm now in the habit of sending Sean emails alerting him to new Sekhmet posts. Last time you did one, I didn't, and he berated it for me later.

    Small pockets of amusement in our working days. :-)

  4. (Okay...I just checked our blog ratings on that weirdo website? And I'm still at R, but you've managed to into NC-17 territory...that fucker Sekhmet is gonna make you lose your family friendly status!!!)

  5. Thought baloon over Sekhmet's head "Bad slave! Left her nasty book on My chair. Must think of some way to punish her! Bad, bad slave!"

  6. profanity is the sign of a weak mind trying to express itself forceably.
    I really like the cat. My cat loves to lay on paper. she would love the book to lie on.

  7. I also love those cream puffs. Do you mean the Schmidt's in German Village?
