Monday, June 04, 2007

Sekhmet, you fucker.

My wrists have been hurting a lot lately. I can't imagine why.


  1. I love Sekhmet.She just knows what you need and when you need it,even if you don't realize it.Go cat power!

  2. I second Bell's snort!

    You always wanted a broken wrist, didn't ya?

    Just think of all the catless people in Africa. Those poor people in Africa would just LOVE to have a 50 lb Sekhmet, and here you are, bitching about it.

    Damn American!

  3. Hysterical photo!!!!
    Ya know... in the "old days" (at least in the ol' country) they used cat pelts (!) to relieve joint paints. Maybe Sekhmet is just trying to "heal" you???? Or not.

  4. I love how, in the background, you can see a book about the universe on top of a knitting magazine.

    You are indeed a thinking blogger!

  5. my cat does this kind of plonking right in the middle of what I am doing when I ignore him.....
    poor Sekhmet, she feels ignored mum.

  6.'d think that the furry little heating pad would help the wrists. But, then again, this is probably why no one ever comes to me for medical advice. I think that warm kitties have supernatural healing powers. (but it's not my fault since that's what my two have told me...)

  7. CUTE!!!!! I just love kitties!

  8. Even my DH, who doesn't laugh at anything, laughed at that.

  9. My cat Pippin does the same thing, but he waits until my hands are off the keyboard. Goal is clearly NOT to lie on my hands but to make me quit work and go sit down in my comfy chair so he can use my lap for a kitty barcalounger.

    Rough life, isn't it?

    Blessings (for Sekhmet and you)

  10. Okay, that would be because there's a great big heavy cat laying on top of them.

    Or does a purring cat, like a broken cookie (=no calories), have no weight?

    Wow. And my verification word is "dtzol", what does that say about this comment?

  11. Just snorted coffee out my nose - thanks... no, really, thanks...

  12. OMG. Hysterical.

  13. If we see the word 'ftwxd' we'll know who did it...

  14. The only time Stinker will have anything to do with me is when she sit's in my lap and impedes my progress on the computer.

    Or when she's shedding and I'm wearing something nice. She's all over me then, too.
