Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Soggy Ohio.

We had a huge storm (rain, thunder, hail, lightning) within hours of arriving. The Baby slept through it and I fell asleep in the middle. I wish I'd been awake and watched from the porch (always one of my favorite things, if I wasn't actually out in it), but I was too tired and too cranky and too drugged. Ah well, a good night's sleep won't kill me.

The drive was as always: twelve hours, and full of dead animals at the side of the road.

Today I'm working on the Mystery Knit. Tomorrow I visit family. Friday, we're back on the road.

We better not miss Stargate.


  1. Glad to hear you made it safely! We were pelted yesterday as well and it only got worse the closer to home I got. Well considering that I live 6 miles from Ohio you know how bad it was. I hope you got to knit on your road trip.

  2. It sounds like a day for rain all over...

  3. So sorry about the rain - and I hear you about Stargate. I've got my Fridays nights completely blocked out so I won't miss any of them. ;-)

  4. Drive safely home! Knit lots. Just hot as hockey sticks here today.
