Monday, March 12, 2007

Overheard, on the phone.

I'm talking to the husbeast tonight (he's at home and I'm still in Florida until tomorrow). At one point he yells, I kid you not:

"Sekhmet, you fucker!"
Meow of outrage in return.
"I don't CARE what you want, she's not home until tomorrow."
Another outraged meow.

The world domination plan is moving ahead without a hitch.


  1. Snort!
    I may not ask about the strip club, but that doesn't mean my mind doesn't wonder...

  2. (LOL) That cat is a wily one:-)

  3. You know, the day is near when the baby will say, "Sekhmet, you fucker!" And you'll know she truly is one of the family. ;)

  4. I'm waiting for the day the baby says "Sekhmet, you fucker!" in front of the grandparents! We always knew who actually runs that house (and it ain't the tall people!)

  5. My cat totally does the same thing, though when I'm home she generally ignores me.

  6. ROFL - what else can I say? I have a dog ;)

    Yeah, ok, and a feral sheep puppet who is so real, I'm not deluded at all.
