Thursday, March 01, 2007

Knitty project teaser.

Almost done with phase one.

What is it, you ask?

Wait and see.

This photo is mostly posted to prove I am knitting something.


  1. Duh. It's a carpet snake. Any fool can see that!

  2. it is going to be a felted bandana!

  3. It's an introductory mat for a colorblind oscar winner.

  4. a. Hammocky thing, maybe for hanging yarn
    b. a version of calorimetry for people with loooong heads
    c. boa constrictor (or should that be python? Whichever snake swallows its victims whole).

  5. Look at that shaping--it's CLEARLY a cummerbund!

  6. To go back in the archives:
    I got the Sp/Sum 06 VK out of the library to look at while reading your hilarious commentary. You are so right on!
    When you wrote this:

    26. An entirely crocheted COAT in umpteen colors. I repeat. Is this Vogue Crochet? And it's by Brandon Mably for Rowan, so you'd have to take out a loan to pay for the yarn. I quote, "Haute coture and crochet go hand in hand." Somebody tell Grandma. My head hurts too bad to laugh this hard.

    I read the description in the mag and read "Mably's ripple-stitch disaster"
    Oh, that was "duster".

    Hoping a customer pays today so I can get that Hawaii-named lace-weight!

  7. [crinkles forehead]
    I want to see the back!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's a willie warmer.

    ... way to take it too far Knittech!

  10. No... Its a bed for Sekhmet to sit on... and The Baby to try and run away with, of course!
