Friday, March 23, 2007

Great Moments in Parenting.

1. Last night as I was cuddling my little goober before bed time, I realized she had dried peanutbutter on her eyelid. No idea how long it was there. Scraping it off without permantly blinding her OR duct-taping her up like a hobbit run afoul of a giant spider was quite a trick.

2. We forced the baby to walk into the grocery store. It took ten minutes.

3. I made sure she ate before we went to the grocery store because she tends to see all that food and howl for it. So she ate first. She howled anyway. Carried on like we were tearing her fingers off. Open-mouthed, take-a-deep-breath HOWLS. AAAAAAAAH! People stared. I hate that.

4. We forced the baby to walk out of the grocery store. It took another ten minutes. Cars had to stop and wait for minutes before they could park.

5. She spotted the Teddy Grahams on the way home and howled the whole way.

6. She is now eating Teddy Grahams for dinner. I suck. I'm tired. I almost don't care.

Next we go back out for more shopping. The Crock-Pot, showing it's obnoxious contrariness to the last, has finally up and died at the most inconvenient moment. Of course.


  1. fear not I to have let the kids eat junk food for dinner. You don't suck unless she eats that every night!

  2. I rather like the sound of Teddy Grahams for dinner. And the idea is to keep them fed, if I understand the whole parenting concept. Teddy Grahams are food. I'm pretty sure that you are in good shape here.

    (I evaluate parenting skills for the courts. You can take this one to the bank!)

  3. Ho-yeah. It's hard being a toddler -- the darn Big People don't understand a word you say!

    Don't worry, at least some of those looks are from parents who have been there and sympathize.

  4. I let my toddler eat Pirate Booty for breakfast once (or twice). I figured, corn, rice, cheese--it's practically cereal, with dairy thrown in!! I can think of worse dinners than graham crackers, and peanut butter is're all set.

  5. I love teddy grahams - the honey ones are my favorite I think.

  6. Big T once had such a total core breech in the middle of the grocery store that I was the one who burst into tears. Oddle enough, a platoon of mothers lined up the the produce department to give ME hugs--when T saw that I was getting all the attention, he shut up and sulked for the rest of the trip. This taught me that if there's a parent out there who ain't been there, then they didn't buy the full tour ticket. Feel better--she'll think you rock:-)

  7. Julie, here's lots of hugs from all of us who just love to read your words.
    I am so glad you choose to share so much of your life with us--it really helps me keep perspective when , oh let's say my 8yo says in a LOUD voice, in front of the people we are about to leave, "WHY COULDN'T WE LEAVE AN HOUR AGO--THAT WAS SO BORING!" (just because he was 5 min past that magic tired point--he actually had a great time!)

  8. Awww, Julie. I know when I see a parent going through the howling in the store, I look because I know how it is. Believe me, you have more sympathy in those looks than anything! And what--no pictures of it? ;)

    I haven't tried dyeing with the crockpot yet, but I was wondering--if the crockpot doesn't cook all that well, maybe it won't heat the water/wool enough? So you're probably looking for a brand new crockpot, rather than scouring the thrift stores, eh?

  9. Amy--could I repeat your Big T story (without names)? That's one of the best ever! LOL

  10. I think there's hope for the baby. I made *everything* Elder Son ate from scratch (including graham crackers)last night he had a bowl of Keebler chocolate chip cookies with milk for dinner. *sigh*

  11. Bad crocky for dying on you! Though when you consider the work it's done lately, it's probably very tired. I find it interesting that it hasn't earned a 'fucker' yet, though. Shall I do it for you? Crocky, you fucker!

    As far as the Goober...hugs. Bill Cosby fed his kids chocolate cake for breakfast thinking they had wheat, eggs and milk in it. Teddy Grams work! LOL


  12. You did exactly the right thing for sanity's sake!

    Mr. T joined forces with the dark side last evening. By the time we had to eat I just didn't care. We stopped at Buffalo Wild Wings and before she took our orders for food I promptly ordered Mr. T ice cream with chocolate sauce. The night was much better and it was worth it!

  13. [snork]
    "total core breech"
    Love that phrase!

  14. Believe me you don't suck. As a mother you totally rock! I've got three kids, I can spot good parenting;) or at least a kindred parenting soul. Somedays teddy grahams are completely appropriate for dinner and I dare anyone to say differently. Another good dinner is "picnic" crackers, cheese, some sliced lunch meat if you have it, and sliced fruit (my kids love apples and oranges). Serve on a flat sheet laid in front of the tv. Takes a grand total of five minutes to make. Ahhhh....sweet silence will fall as they chew and fall into a tv coma.

  15. That's it Dewey, a trail of Teddy Grahams around the niece is bond to roam on her own little feet now

  16. Kathryn likes to go into total meltdown mode unless she carried the bread out of the shops. Unfortunately this means that she *eats* half the bread before we manage to pay for it, let alone leave the shops and get home! Feeding her first has no effect whatsoever.

    Yesterday, a lovely gentleman asked why I bothered bringing her with since it made her so unhappy. Only to be hit by his wife, who wished me luck with the rest of our shopping.

  17. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of glad when I see other people's kids throwing fits, because at least it's not mine for once! My son eats meals of graham crackers and bananas at least once a week, so I get the bad mom award, too.
