Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Baby!

And happy Mumum. Bells and I had arranged a swap, months back... we spent the holidays hoarding up goodies and finally mailed them out. My box came in the mail today. Among other things (which I will show photos of tomorrow), there was a tee shirt and a little kangaroo for The Baby.

Here she is, smiling over her good fortune. Sorry about that camera strap in the photo... it was like a runway photo shoot with her crawling around and me backing away, snapping photos.

And here she is doing one of those happy baby shrieks over her kangaroo. (Actually she's doing the "Alas, Horatio" soliloquy from Hamlet, but I know you don't believe me.)

Thanks, Bells!


  1. awww! Would you look at The Baby? I'm feeling all gooey seeing my presents so far from home and her looking so happy! What a cutie!

  2. I believe you. She looks Shakespearean.

  3. yay mum mum, for having such awesome blog-buddies!!

  4. ditto to what the first Amy said. She looks so inspired by the kangaroo

  5. "Alas, poor YORICK. I knew him, Horatio."
