Saturday, February 17, 2007


This post is coming to you from my NEW LAPTOP on the DINING ROOM TABLE!! Eeeee!

The in-laws got in last night (bringing the laptop, among other things). We all had snacks and wine and a nice chat before staggering off to bed.

This morning I have played with my new toy (the husbeast dominated it last night - I should complain but he was doing Windows updates and other maintenance stuff) and it turns out my lovely new computer plays CIVILIZATION FOUR!! EEEeeee!

Okay, so I'm happy.

Only problem is, the little bumps on the F and J keys are so small I can't feel them and have to watch my fingers when I type. (Yes, I'm a touch typist from way back.) I keep losing my home row and typing tjomgs ;ole tjos/. I'm thinking I can glue some beads to the keys, or something. (I've done it before.)

Anyway. Um, news.

I sold yarn yesterday, which made me happy as all hell for many reasons, not the least of which being, I'm not going to be buried in yarn for the rest of my life. There were some questions, and I'll answer them here, too...

First was whether or not the yarns were machine washable. Right now, no, none of the yarns for sale are machine washable (they're colorfast enough, though, for hand washing). HOWEVER, starting in March I'll be offering superwash sock yarn. If I get a lot of requests for superwash, I'll start dyeing more of it, but right now I only plan to carry sock yarn in superwash. Let me know if you want something different.

Secondly, there was a question about whether I'd carry certain color schemes all the time. Probably not. I'll try to keep some Purple Trainwreck in stock, and any other colors that seem particularly popular, but for the most part, these are going to be one-of-a-kind skeins of yarn. (On the other hand, if you want two thousand yards of worsted for a sweater, let me know and we'll work out a deal.) BUT, even if the yarns are the same 'dye lot', because of how I color these, they'll never be the same. Just so you know.

I think that's all the excitement fit to print today. Tomorrow we might have another book review.


  1. yae for civ 4. never played that one, I think I maxed out at 3 - I loose whole days to that game.

  2. Hmmmmm...
    I have been looking for the perfect yarn for a shawl pattern that I'm designing. When I figured out the weight I want to use, we will chat.
    Congrats on the laptop!

  3. i bought yarn and am now smiling like the cat that got the mouse...

  4. *sigh* Fucking purse snatchers... but you go ahead and keep offering yarn, and someday, I will SOOOOO be there to buy... (5-10 business days, right?) Enjoy the laptop--you'll get used to the lack of markers--I touch type too--I know what you're talking about...(be're yarn ROCKS!

  5. Gratz on the laptop. Where's The Baby? More importantly, where's Bells?

  6. Bells is here April. I've been in Sydney for the weekend (by the way, you ROCK) but I've already emailed you to say thank you.

    Yay for the laptop Julie. If we didn't have a lop on the dining room table, I'd probably never be in the same room as Sean. he he

  7. Damn! Missed both the purple train wreck and the technoblah...

    That'll teach me to not check the blogs over the weekend!

  8. Congrats on the laptop (I couldn't function without mine)! Great job on your yarns,too. Can't wait to try out the trainwreck colorway (yup, I snagged the last one - sry Louiz)
