Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Some photos.

The in-laws came through last night, stayed over, and have gone on this morning. On their way through, they dropped off the scarf photos and picked up the martini shaker for possible return. (Yes- my in-laws gave me yarn and a martini shaker for Christmas. Are they great gift-givers, or what?) Among other things, we got video of The Baby. Now I'm trying to figure out how to post it to You-Tube and host it here. Or something.


Everyone else posting 'Where I Knit' photos seems to have included somewhere in front of the TV, and I do knit there too, so here are two more 'where I knit' photos for your pleasure: my spot on the couch, and the view from the couch.

Looking at these photos, I am reminded that The Baby has more toys than she'll play with in three lifetimes. Do any of my Charleston readers (I know I've got two or three) know of a local women's shelter? Otherwise I'll just pick one out of the phone book for a toy and baby gear drop-off.

Thanks again, everyone participating in the 'Where I Knit' deal. If you've posted a photo and I haven't left a comment, that means I haven't seen it. Drop me a link or an e-mail so I can check it out.

And finally, a photo of 'the aunties'. These are my mother-in-law's sisters (and my mother-in-law) wearing the scarves I knit for them. Apparently they were all impressed that I had somehow discovered their favorite colors.

All I did was pay attention to how they dressed and match colors to personalities. Hah. (Most people dress in a family of colors. If you pay attention and get in the groove, gift-giving is easy. Also, pick out the flamboyant personalities and knit them bright purple scarves.)

Now I'm gonna go slug back caffeine and try to figure out You-Tube.

Oh. And wrestle The Baby.


  1. Don't all the aunties look great with their scarves! Bet they're a great bunch of women. And I read your colour article on knitty so I figure your colour theory stuff works!

  2. http://www.sistershouse.org/

    This is the website for My Sister's House, a safe shelter for victims of domestic violence. You can find drop points for donations on the side menu. Also, there is Once Upon A Child which will buy clothes and toys from you for resale (they have a store across from Citadel Mall, in the same plaza as World Market).

  3. Another option for keeping toys and outgrown clothes circulating is Freecycle (tm):
    I'm a moderator for a local Freecycle group.

    Note that there are at least two fake websites with ".com" and ".net" that are not the "real" Freecycle: if they ask you for money, they are fakes!

  4. You picked great colors for each of them. I promise I'll post a photo of where I knit, provided I can get my blankety blank computer up and running again.
