Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Oh, and what I'm knitting.

Ha. Since it's a knitting blog and all.

I'm on sleeve one of the steeked jacket for the knit-along (link in the side bar):

And a gaugeless, swatchless, guranteed-to-use-up-stash blankie for the baby:

Plus my biggest work in progress of all:

Plus, someone in the comments had a question about the Starry Night Ruana-Thingie. Details of that, plus photos and construction methods, can be found here.


  1. she's got a great tongue!! Love that photo!

  2. She will be your greatest project yet!

  3. so baby looks happy and the knitting looks happy... yea

  4. Loved your article on Knitty. I'm in total awe of your skill.
