Saturday, January 13, 2007


I hope you guys are serious about wanting Samurai Dyer yarns (oh, like I could name it anything else). Because if not, I'm now stuck with a dozen balls of sock yarn and 3200 yards of laceweight merino.

I'm trying to figure out how to do a special for regular readers. Any ideas on that?

And while I'm asking questions... Lace weight yarn. Nobody seems to be dyeing it in bright colors. Is that because no one will KNIT bright-colored lace, or because the dyers THINK that? I wasn't thinking neon yellow, particularly, but some dip-dyes of aqua, bright leaf green, maybe peach/orange or pink/rose/PINK.





  1. I would love to have some laceweight yarn the colors of autumn leaves, i.e., mostly oranges with some yellow. For some reason there's a real lack of orange lace yarn out there.

  2. I'm not into lace yet (notice the yet) but I bet you could do a few hanks and see what happens with it.

    As far as the sock yarn, you know I'm there, baby. Hook me up.


  3. Maybe you could have a "Samurai Club" (only with a better name...) and have a sign-up on the blog. Only the readers would see it and know to become such exclusive members...

    I just finished up a pair of socks in an STR colorway that is quite vivid. It wasn't my usual choice of color, but it was a gift so I knit it up. And I looooooove it! Socks are the exception to the rule for the color challenged, I think. We can feel a little safter going with the brighter hues since they will be partially hidden from view. I say go for the bright stuff.

  4. You dye it - I'll buy it! with this caveat: I'm a SLOW knitter, so can't promise volume, but you can consider this one of your first orders!

    Lurking Lilly

  5. I'm all about some pink/ fushia/ dark purple lace weight.

  6. Dave Daniels at Cabin Cove Mercantile has done some pink and orange laceweight (I know because I own it). I'd definitely love something brighter. When I think of Icarus I think of flames, so that's what I'd want. I'm with Katie, there is not enough orange yarn out there (and bright red lace, I'd be all over that). I'll be in line in September.

  7. Not too keen on laceweight, but the brighter the better!

  8. Autumn leaves, like the changing of the leaves where I grew up in northern Ontario - Reds oranges and yellows. I think that I would knit just about any colour but a neon. But that would be because I don't like the neon spectrum very much. If on the other hand, the neon were to be tempered by more tame colours I might be up for it. Especially for socks. I would love to see jewel tones. I think that those are my favorite right now.

  9. I know some local dyers (ie very local, around Canberra) who do some pretty vivid lace weight. If you're wondering then if there's a market for it, there is here at least.

    Maybe there's a perception that shawls aren't supposed to be bright purple? :-)

  10. Pink!! Jewel tones!! Please Ma'm, I want some more.....

  11. Definitely vivid colors in the sock and lace weight. There are lots of more sombre colors out there, why not liven things up a little.

  12. how big are the balls of sock yarn? will we need one or two to complete a pair of socks?

  13. I'm buying and selling the sock yarn in 400 yard hanks, so unless you're doing thigh-highs, it should be enough for a pair of socks for normal-sized feet.

  14. sweet - I'll for sure try a hank.

  15. So far, I like knitting lace a lot (this is only my first lace project). I'd love bright colors!

