Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dude, this is MESSED. UP.


  1. Messed up as in a mess, or messed up as in sick, wicked, etc...?

  2. Messed up as in, I feel like I'm smoking something not legal when I look at the thing. And also very strange because complicated though it looks, it was rather simple to do; just read the directions and follow them.

    It's not right, I tell you.

  3. Very cool...but it makes my head explode just a little, tiny bit. I seem to recall doing something very similar by accident when I was first learning how to knit in the round!

  4. what's it like to be in your brain Julie????

  5. I think it's byooful. I love you, man, I mean I really really love you.


    Except my friend L. has made a couple of moebius scarves, and I wish people would just quit tempting me with them, eh?

    Like I need to start any more projects!

  6. My brain is kind of weird. I have the ability to visualize from written words and apparently that's not normal/average. It's probably obvious by now.

  7. My brain is the mirror image of yours: although I always did great in "reading comprehension", that doesn't extend to figuring out stuff like tatting or netting or knitting from words. Must. Have. Picture.

    A lot of the time I get ideas in my head and can't be sure, for sure, that they will work out unless I can draw myself some kind of picture/diagram/sketch.

    However, I seem to be able to write text descriptions that *other people* can translate into those actions.

    I find this completely anomalous. It's like a deaf person being good at describing music.
