Saturday, January 27, 2007

Comments on some comments.

I was asked in the comments if I'd ever knit something out of Vogue Knitting and at the time replied, 'not that I remember'. Well, I remember better now. I did. I knit the cover sweater off the summer 2004 issue (2003?) for the Knitting Olympics last February.

Even this was altered, though; in the magazine it had no bottom edging (??!??) and I added some length and some ribbing. As I recall I also tweaked the decreasing in the front so it looked a little better. It fits well enough though it's a little on the low-cut side. (Then again, what's the point of the X of I-cord across your chest if not to show off your boobs?) Oddly, I've found that VK often runs more knittable/wearable patterns in the summer, which is strange when you think about it. Winter and fall seem to be the season for knitwear. But, whatever, I try to wear knits year 'round.

Last fall I went through all my old knitting magazines and pitched a huge stack (and further unloaded more on my mother-in-law). These are what I kept; each of those little blue and red tabs is a pattern I want to knit. I think the oldest one is a norgi-based pullover in VK from 1993.

Maybe 2008 will be 'knit up magazine patterns' year. It's a thought.

I've set myself a goal to finish up the Steeked Jacket by Valentine's Day. Partly because I want to wear it some time this winter, and partly so I can start on something else. In the interest of stash busting, I also started this:
It's a diagonally knit blanket for The Baby. This yarn has been my own personal Stash Monster for about five, maybe ten years. You know the monster: the yarn you bought ten balls of for no reason you can possibly imagine, and every time you look at it, you cringe. What did I think I was going to knit with orange and white variegated boucle?? Well, actually, I was going to knit myself a loose pullover, but when I knit a swatch I realized the boucle made it look like a terrycloth beach towel, and shoved it in the back of the yarn closet as far as it would go. Now I'm going to try to use it up; getting rid of it alone would be a major victory in stash-busting for the year. It's kind of small yet, but I only started it last night.

Someone (I forget who, sorry) also asked if I was sticking with food coloring dyes because of safety issues involving the baby. Yes. That's exactly why. Not only for the obvious safety reasons (no toxic fumes), but because this way I can work right in the kitchen and dining room with the baby playing near me and not have to try to watch her while dyeing yarn in the garage or back yard.

I've got about half the yarn I bought dyed, and am thinking I will keep a few regular color schemes, but I'm leaning toward doing a lot of experimental, one-of-a-kind stuff. More fun for all involved, I'd think.


  1. I do like that tank top. Although I tend to not knit them because I always end up feeling a little over-exposed in them. And I can't wear them to school as I'm sporting a tat on the shoulder. Not a good look for teacher...

    I think the yarn will work out well as a baby blanket. Brightly colored yarn is nice for the little ones if not for the sweaters!

  2. I'm very surprised at you having boucle in your stash! I hate the stuff myself, to knit with at least. I bet it makes a nice blanket that the Baby becomes sweetly attached to!

    that tank top is really nice. Must learn to make i chord.

  3. Ha. How do you think I learned how nasty boucle is?

    I'm considering doing a custom dye job on some boucle and knitting a wrap as a Christmas present. I need to have my head examined.

  4. sheepish annie, you need to sport your tats...1/2 the teachers on our campus have visible tatoos!! What's funny is watching new knitters "discover" boucle... it's like watching 6th grade girls discover blue eye shadow...

  5. Dear Julie, I just wanted to thank you so much for the help you gave me understanding colour, on the site using the scanner. I shall praise you to my friends. Wishing you all the best from Sylvie, in the UK.
