Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Baby + cold medicine =


  1. = hyper baby?
    I finally got around to down-loading and posting my knitting spot. Am I too late?

  2. blogger questions: what size are the pictures you upload to blogger (small medium large)? and how do you know if the photo upload isn't working? does it just take a long time normally?

  3. Needletart - there's no deadline. I don't think that was Julie's intention. Just whenever!

    She definitely looks hyper! Is she hyper AND snotty???

  4. Hyper and snotty. Definitely. And kinda goofy, too. Fortunately she's one of those rare babies that gets silly when tired, instead of mean or whiny.

    I use whatever the highest definition is on my camera (though the camera is old so it's probably medium-definition now). The ones in this post were set to upload at 'large' and 'center'. It can take anywhere from thirty seconds to eternity to upload a photo to Blogger, and it's not unusual for it to not work. If it's NOT working, you can try upgrading your Java script and resetting your computer, but otherwise it's just Blogger being stupid.

    Photos usually upload faster and more successfully on non-peak hours, which are (the peak hours) mid-morning to about one in the afternoon, EST.

  5. Dont you hate it when they're sick, we just got done with a gastrol-thing and now one of my twins has a nose that runs like a sieve and she was so tired her eyes puffed up. She had a nap I swear, I hope she isnt sick or allergies, argh. I wish mine were all as happy as yours when not feeling well, they're not the worst and it might be the compounding of 4 children under 3, who knows. Give baby get well hugs for me.

  6. = a very happy baby,
    who looks just like her dad!

  7. I just finally sent my "baby" and his dad off to school and work. We all had the same cold at once!

  8. Ugh...the Cave Troll had 5ths this Christmas break (I don't know why they call it that...is it because there's measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and then this 5th disease that doesn't really do much but make them tired and pissed off?) and unlike your little charmer, HE becomes the Prince of Frickin' Darkness when he's sick. We actually considered giving him benedryl so he'd stop bitching at us. I'm jealous of your goofy baby.
