Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm blogging and I can't shut up!

...mostly this is due to the husbeast working lots of hours this week and leaving me to deal with a small human who has a vocabulary of five whole words. It's making me squirrelly. (More squirrelly.)

One deadline met:

The gauge swatch for the steeked jacket. It's currently soaking in the sink, so it'll be all nice and clean and dry by the time I need to measure it in another three weeks. I'm not thrilled with the dark blue color, but I ordered it on line without a shade card, and shit happens.

Another blocking job came in the mail today. (April, I can't find your e-mail address. I got the package and it's already soaked and pinned out, drying. If I take my time, I'll forget it and feel like a shit later.) April apparently slipped and fell on her wallet in the children's section of some store, because the box contained baby gear, among them, a lovely tee shirt. Here The Baby models it while doing her Gloria Swanson imitation:
If you can't read the shirt, it says "Cute but stinky. Things balance out."

And here, The Baby says "Thank you!" (So do I.)

Her mouth isn't really THAT crooked... she's missing a tooth on the lower left side (we think permanently), and whenever she smiles like that she looks like a goof. Heredity has nothing to do with it. Really.

And there have been several requests for a tattoo photo, so here you go:

I was warned by people when I got it that the detail would blur and I'd wind up with a solid blue stripe around my wrist, but that was over ten years ago and it still looks fine. I've been meaning to get another one for a while now, and just haven't gotten around to it. Hmmm.

Now I'm going to go work on meeting another deadline.

Bah, humshit.


  1. April must be very well known at the post office! Her packages seem to be everywhere...and we are not complaining!!! :)

    I've been putting off tattoo #2 for a while now. Must get that done. Of course, this is probably yet another task I'm putting in the way of getting the Christmas Crap done...

  2. Nice prompt response on the tattoo photo. It's cool.

    The blurring only happens if you expose them excessively to sunlight. Yours looks good for 10 years old!

    Good work on the swatch. Are you going to get a different colour if you're not happy with that blue?

  3. It's The Baby!

    And I really like the colors you've got for the steeked jacket.

  4. (amy lane)

    Nice tat--I've got one on my shin kinda like that--I put a Merlin medallion in the middle 'cause Merlin was a teacher... (I've got a really complicated one on my arm involving pictographs of all of the names of my children--except the baby--I'll get her added around Easter.) Us uber-strong women w/visible tattoos need to stick together and scare the hell out of the men. The baby is always cute--looking like a goof w/a crooked smile is soooooooooo damned charming...

  5. I'm keeping the yarn I've got and knitting it up. It IS a denim blue, just darker than I wanted it. It's a nice dark shade for winter, though.

    Maybe it'll fade.

  6. Love the tattoo! I have been wanting one on my wrist for a few years, and I even put it on my Christmas list this year. Hopefully aroung the new year I will be sporting a new tat... The DH even put a new tattoo on his list this year.
