Friday, December 08, 2006

Good news/bad news/good news/bad...

The knew Knitty is up. Always good news.

I am not in it. That was puzzling, because I'd sent in an article that I thought was good. I hadn't heard anything from Amy, but she's been swamped (appearance on Knitty Gritty, book tour, writing another book) and I knew she doesn't have time to hold the hand of every person who writes for her.

So I e-mailed and asked what was up. While I was waiting for a reply (not that long - she was quick), I started thinking, maybe my article got lost in e-mail heaven, and I could re-submit it for the spring issue and not have to write another one by January 2. That started sounding pretty good to me.

Then Amy replied. I'm in the surprise part of the issue, so my article will, eventually, be up. Which is cool.

But this means I really do have to write another article by the second.

Anybody know how I feel about all this? I don't. Haha.

Anyway, I'll give everyone a teaser for the article. It explains how to choose colors, and I used that method to choose the yarn I just got for the Geometric Star. (In fact, I would have explained it here, except I knew the article was pending.) And a photo tease:

(I did all the swatch photography in the driveway, for natural light, and got some seriously weird looks from the neighbors.)


  1. Gotta admit, I was curious, too. got the new knitty, opened it thinking, oh, Julie's article. No article.

    Looking forward to the surprise issue and the colour selection piece. I'm crap at colour selection. I stared at my new shade cards from Bendigo last night for too long and still haven't decided on a combination for the steeking jacket. Grrr..

  2. Yay, new Knitty! Woohoo, thanks for the heads up.

    I love me some Knitty.

    Notice I haven't said "Where's The Baby"?

  3. Ooo, ooo, must cast on for Argosy tonight when I get home. And hooray, I have 3 balls of Noro Silk Garden Lite in the stash!


    Where's The Baby?

  4. Look, look, april lasted 9 minutes before saying "Where's the Baby?"

  5. I'm looking forward to it...maybe your next article can be A. caring for knitwear, b. how to keep the Christmas IT from happening, or C. How not to panic when the newborn drools on the handknits... Just some ideas.

  6. I need help with color. Serious help. I live in a very brown world. I can't match white to anything. I need this article...

  7. Don't know where else to post this, so this is probably as good as any place: THANKS for your article on knitty. It was good, creative, and it will help me get to the bottom of the color problem, which seems very similar to yours. One of the most innovative things I've read in a while on that topic. And so simple, too.
