Monday, December 18, 2006

Alert the media.

The last scarf is done. It's not blocked yet (that's up next, as soon as I log off the damn internet, distraction that it is). But it's DONE. I've also got the majority of the present wrapping done and am waiting for The Baby to go to bed before I wrap the baby gifts. And I THINK I just did the last batch of cookies. Just the Date Things and Buckeyes to go.

Which is fortunate, because we leave for Ohio Wednesday at about four AM. When I'm there I plan to sit on my ass and do nothing, as often as possible.

Ah, there's nothing quite like the knowlege that you'll never have to touch mohair again, so long as you live.


  1. At least not until you can't resist the urge to buy more. . . Merry Christmas! I envy you being done - almost there, myself.

  2. I'm totally jealous about your 'nearly done' status myself...I won't be done until Dec. 29th, when BOUND is done and all I have staring me in the face is 7 skeins of Glitterspun and a whoopty-12 needle...

  3. Ahahaha. Glitterspun.

    All I've got to knit is the Steeked Jacket, the Geometric Star, a meitered pullover, and a lace coverup.

    Sure beats glitterspun.

  4. can we remind you of this no more mohair thing the next time you post a project made of mohair Julie???

  5. can we remind you of this no more mohair thing the next time you post a project made of mohair Julie???

  6. Hell yes. Flame me. Remind me of this fiasco. Threaten to quit reading the blog. Drive to my house and beat me with a #35 wooden knitting needle. Whatever it takes.
