Friday, December 15, 2006

Actual knitting content!

I really, really like the scarf I'm knitting right now. Well, I still hate the yarn, but I love the lace pattern enough that I'm plotting when to knit one for myself.

It's only 35 stitches wide, and there are only two pattern rows in it. I can do it while reading if I'm in good light and The Baby isn't trying to play handball with the yarn. (She has discovered the joy of nice, soft yarn. Ugh.) And this morning, while cruising web sites for lace weight yarn for another project, I found alpaca-silk in variegated colors. I'm thinking pink or blue to go with my steeked jacket.

I've found the sweater I'm knitting my mother-in-law for next year's Christmas present. (I know it's not Christmas THIS year yet. So? You can never have too many pending projects to knit.) Carpathian Black Roses from "Norsk Strikkedesign".

Except, in peach and slate blue instead of black and red. (Am I the only one who thinks bordellos when I see black and red?) And I'd do something, anything, different with the collar and cuffs. It's fitted, but still steeked and circularly knit, so it would go fast. And I think I could knit it with Highland Wool, so it'd be reasonable, price-wise. AND, I could do the short-row fitted sleeve and half-graft it in, and take photos and show you guys. To give you all something else to put on your 'knitting techniques only crazy perfectionists do' list.

Otherwise, I want to go shopping today. WANT. There must be something in the air. A Friday right before Christmas? I normally hate shopping, at any time, let alone when it's a madhouse. And I find myself looking forward to it. Must be losing my mind.

The cat is starting to worry me.


  1. OKay...weird... I just commented and the stupid blogger made me log in again and ate my comment... *sigh* Hm... to summarize...I like that pattern in the's really working... I my self would do the jacket in red and black--but then, I've got a thing for vampires, and that's me...and I think your cat has just accepted the fact that, while she, Sekhmet, may control all of the Universe, sometimes it's just easier to allow The Baby her corner of it to wreak havoc as she will... enjoy shopping--I'm taking the little ones to sit on Santa's Lap tomorrow because I have a sickness in me that apparently cannot be killed by age...

  2. How dare you show a beautiful lace pattern like that and not tell your loyal readers how to "try it at home!"

    I think Spanish dancers when I see black and red.

    And I'm worried about Sekhmet as well, she seems to have lost her head.

  3. That looks like my house, well, the toy part, not the cat part. You just had to link to that yarn. I'm thinking I need camilla. I really like that pattern, too. It does look like honeycombs. Black and red make me think Spanish, not bordello. Which is good. I love to wear black and red together.

  4. I'm with you on the black and red, maybe it's to do with 'red light' district

  5. oh my. That's lovely. I want to rip out the scarf I'm doing now and start that one. Only I can't. Cos you haven't posted the pattern.


    I like black and red in some situations, but interestingly not in wool. I would never knit in black and red. It's too much, I think. But I often wear a black and red combination to work.

    (Bells - who can't post for some reason)

  6. oh my. That's lovely. I want to rip out the scarf I'm doing now and start that one. Only I can't. Cos you haven't posted the pattern.


    I like black and red in some situations, but interestingly not in wool. I would never knit in black and red. It's too much, I think. But I often wear a black and red combination to work.

  7. oh my. That's lovely. I want to rip out the scarf I'm doing now and start that one. Only I can't. Cos you haven't posted the pattern.


    I like black and red in some situations, but interestingly not in wool. I would never knit in black and red. It's too much, I think. But I often wear a black and red combination to work.

  8. OMG.. i want to use that pattern for a shawl! Is it a generic stitch or something you bought? PLEASE tell! (I did look thru the blog but couldnt find it)

  9. It's a generic stitch from Barbara walker. Geez, you guys.

    Multiple of three stitches.
    Row 1: K2, *yo, k1, k2tog* end k1.
    Purl back
    Row 2: K2, *k2tog, yo, k1* end k1
    Purl back.

    And it's easy enough to memorize, I just did this from memory.

    Knock yourselves out.
