Friday, November 24, 2006

Yarn fumes.

It's very heady here at House O' Samurai. We've got wool stewing in dye, in the kitchen. I swear it smells better than Thanksgiving dinner. (Okay, it really smells like dirty diaper, but I don't care.)

The yarn hanging out of the crock-pot is destined for a different color. (The husbeast saw this and said "Is this going to stain the crock-pot?" I said, "It doesn't matter, it's food coloring." he said, "I don't want to eat pink pot roast." I said, "I'm doing another color after this. You'll be eating purple pot roast." he said, "Oh, that's fine then." and glared at me.)

Otherwise, I'm working on the Knucks and fondling the lopi for my jacket:

After the Knucks are done, it's back to The Bloody Damn Scarves. (I'm finishing and blocking the Husbeast Gansey Monday, when he's at work and won't see. Photos then.)

Now if you'll excuse me, the husbeast and the baby are up to no good and I've got to go rescue my house.

There should be YET ANOTHER book review coming up here, shortly.


  1. Yup. There's a conspiracty afoot there. The Husbeast is hiding it well, but you can see it in the baby's eyes.

    I say a green pot roast might be in order...

  2. hey, it's the Husbeast! He exists. Those two look good together - father and baby. Awww...

    I think your mad doing big wads of dying with a house full of guests, a baby and the post-thanksgiving meal bloating to deal with. But we all know you're mad anyway.

  3. It's The Baby!

    With the most expressive face I've ever seen on a little one. The Husbeast is a bit of alright, himself.

  4. And I thought the baby looked like you. Now I know she looks like Dad who looks like his Mom. And just how did you keep the baby away from the dye pot? Or the cat for that matter?

  5. Could be worse--potroast could be green... (And, I've got to say, the baby w/daddy picture is too damned cute.) I'll look forward to the tutorial--although I have too much stash to ever justify dying my own yarn...)
