Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wha? Huh?

You'll have to pardon me. I won't be heard from for another day or so. I'm reading this:

It's the umpteenth installment of the Eve Dallas detective series. I'm knitting while I read so all is not lost, but I'm not good for a hell of a lot else for a while. (I am feeding and diapering the baby, I'm not totally gone. But close.)

I made up the menu and grocery list for Thanksgiving. We're having turkey. Not ham. There is much rejoicing.

I finally got a good look at the cat's tail and I think I sprained it, not broke it. However there was a big strip of fur removed during the door-slamming process and it looks like the poor critter's gonna have a permanent bald spot on her tail. That way I can see it every day and remember what a dumbass I am.

The reason it's been colder than a polar bear fuck around here (I know you guys loved that little gem, so I'll just keep using it) is because the husbeast has been running the AIR CONDITIONING. We had a little chat over that last night. Today it's almost warm.

I started a pair of Knucks. To hell with the scarves. I'll pull a Yarn Harlot and knit them all the week before Christmas. Or better yet, in the car on the way to Ohio.

And a fix for the baby addicts. From May:


  1. I thought I saw you writing about knitting while reading before but I wasn't sure. Now I am. Exactly *how* do you manage that? do you have a stand or something? 'cause it's something I definitely need to add to my repetoire. I've tried and failed before. I can just imagine the possibilities...

  2. please tell me you're not so clever that you can do tricky, clever knitting AND read at the same (as well as feed baby, agonise over the cat and discuss air conditioning with the husbeast)?

  3. We're having turkey, too! After torturing the children with the threat of tofu-rky we admitted that it would be real bird. The Baby is coming home from college and the Elder Son is moving out near the end of December so it may be out last "all the family in one place" holiday dinner for some time.

  4. Oh my God.

    OH MY GOD.

    Best. baby. picture. EVER.

  5. Please share your cleverness - I miss reading.

  6. Love the J D Robb books!!! Highly addictive... Thank you for the baby fix. I was feeling a little bit shaky there and thought I might have to go to the grocery store and stalk one on my own.

    They have warned me about this...

  7. ". . .the husbeast has been running the AIR CONDITIONING."

    Ohhhh-kay. What is up with men and temperature? 72 degrees in the summer and he puts the window AC in. 50 degrees in November, and I have to physically restrain him from filling the soapstone stove clear to the top with wood and melting the cast iron right off.

  8. aaaahhhhhh!!! It's out it's out it's out it's out!!! (Now I just have to wait for my friend to read it so I'll take about...two days... awesome!!!! And we have that baby bib. And that series of books. It's like we're raising the same babies!!! Only yours will be better adjusted.
