Thursday, November 30, 2006

THREE DAYS, people.

Well, two, now, because I'm posting a photo today. It's been THREE STINKING DAYS since I posted a baby photo. You guys are acting like heroin junkies, I swear.

From April:


  1. Oh thank God. I can have the rest of my Friday without breaking out into a withdrawal sweat. :-)

  2. oooohhh... (Arwyn's the same age right now... I'm getting a baby jones and I have one crawling on my lap--that's not fair!)

  3. I see no reason why there can't be a picture of The Baby every day. Not that we don't love seeing all the wonderful things you create but c'mon, it's ... The Baby.

    And yes, I have been checking back periodically to see if you got the hint and had posted a pic.

  4. I'm glad I'm not alone in my obsession with The Baby. God I love the capital letters in The Baby. :-)

  5. Hey my niece is so darn cute...there should have a wonderful pic a day of her!!!! Oh, Dewey, your knitting comments are wonderful too. :)
