Friday, November 17, 2006

Hey, Knitty readers...

The time has come for me to decide what to write my next article about. (Well, matter of fact, I'm a little early for it, but it keeps me from thinking about Thanksgiving, which I am trying to block from my mind.)

I'm thinking of doing an article on how to 'read' lace. What kinds of things would youse guys want included?

Oh, and here's a bribe to answer:
(This photo was taken over the summer; I'm really NOT letting the baby crawl around the house in a tank and diaper in this weather, I promise.)


  1. Fabulous photo. A suitable bribe.

    As a novice lace knitter, one thing I really want tips on is what to do when the inevitable happens and you screw up. Failsafe ways to undo it without throwing the whole thing against a wall in disgust.

    I'll think of more. I'm sure of it.

  2. How about some tips on how to get the symbols to that part where you look at them and KNOW what they are without having to look them up every blessed row... (swatching, post-it keys) that sort of thing...

  3. I'm such a lace idiot that I don't really know how I might read it. But I can't seem to knit from a chart. That might be something to explain. Yeah...I know. I'm bad.

  4. Oh yeah. Reading a chart is the bane of my existence right now. I can't do it to save my life.

  5. You know, I have come to the conclusion that The Baby has the most amazingly grown up face, for a baby. It's almost spookily grown up, her little face. Such character. God you made a good one!

  6. and naturally, just thinking about this, don't forget to mention that it will look like complete crap until it's blocked. Gotta block. The number of things I've given up on because I didn't know that it was supposed to look like a dog's breakfast until it was blocked....!!!!

    Don't you love how I have nothing better to do that sit up late on a Saturday night thinking of things you need to write about??? Do I get commission?
