Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October roundup.

I used to do this, back when I started the blog... go over what I finished during the month, and what I wanted to do in the next. I don't know why I quit, because it's pretty effective, so here we go again.

I finished the Blue Shimmer, which in retrospect still amazes me. It took two months, but I turned out an entire sweater on size 1/2.5mm needles, and it looks good into the bargain. Good enough that I'm considering doing another one next year, though this time color-stranded on size two/3mms. No need to get carried away with that size one thing. The yarn was absolutely glorious and I want a sweater for myself out of it.

I started the Husbeast Gansey, and have half a sleeve and the body up to the arm pits. I'd REALLY like to finish it in November, but we'll see. I'm trying to quit setting myself idiotic goals.

Ditto the scarves; I'd like to have all three done by the end of November, and thus an end to the Christmas knitting. At which point I can dig into the Year of Me and get self-indulgent about picking projects.

For a change of pace I'll probably start the design process on the miter sweater, take measurements for that and my Steeked Jacket (remember the knit-along?) and attempt to nail down some details about that. There will be yarn ordering. Whee! Maybe there will be swatch knitting.

Otherwise, my only goal is to get the house cleaned up for Thanksgiving, cook the meal, and enjoy the holiday. If you saw my house, you'd wonder how I planned to get that done in a single month.

It'd be nice to get the baby to walk, but she's going to do what she wants, when she wants, and how she wants (it's like looking in a mirror).

Blessed Samhain, everyone.


  1. I keep a log of my projects...it's pretty lengthy after nearly 9 years and when I finish a project, I come into work, change the bold print (project working) to regular print and enter whatever project I've just started. It just makes me feel better about what I do... you should be very proud!

  2. Well done Julie!!

    Can't wait to see what the indulgent phase produces!

  3. Blessed Samhain back at you!

    Dude, you rock. That's all I can say about the Blue Shimmer.

    I finished a pair of socks this week. I'm not going to tell you what kind of yarn or anything because I don't want the cheapskate lecture ("Did I not teach you anything?? DO NOT BUY HANDPAINTS FOR MORE THAN $.10 A YARD!?)

    OOOPS. I think I just leaked my secret...
