Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hot off the needles.

As you can see, it's still blocking. But other than pulling the pins out and folding it, it's DONE. Yay, me! It turned out larger than I expected, about 14 inches across. And there's one minor mistake in it (one of the crochet-chain loops is slightly off-center. Nobody tell the judges). But by and large, it looks really good, if I do say so myself.

If you've never knit lace, the best part is now, when it's all blocked out for the first time and you sit back, admire it, and say "Damn, I'm good." (The pattern is "Primula" from "The First Book of Modern Lace Knitting" by Marianne Kinzel, one of my favorites. It would make a great shawl done on size six or seven/4 or 4.5mm needles.)

Now I need to stoke up on caffeine and chocolate, huddle down in my office, and finish THIS:

At least all the needles are the same size now. Heavy sigh.


  1. Holy smokes! That doily is gorgeous. It's so delicate! Very nicely done and I'm sure that the "mistake" will be overshadowed by the overall effect! (not that any error is even visible...)

  2. Mistake? What mistake? That doily is nothing short of perfection. I am amazed. And completed with an almost toddler roaming about? You da bomb.

  3. The lace is absolutely beautiful! I'm so impressed!

  4. Wow, the doily is awesome!!!

    Go, Julie, GO!! Wow those judges!

  5. that is amazing!

    Really inspiring a I'm about to start something similar as a wedding present for my cousin

  6. I'm speechless with admiration. Absolutely speechless.

  7. Congratulations on going from the "damn doily" stage to "damn, I'm good"! I learned to knit lace last year in Liz Lovick's Shetland lace workshop (online in a Yahoo group -- I love the internet!) and she called the OTN stage "scrumply".

    Once it's blocked, it's absolutely magic. Beautiful lace. Lovely.

  8. Wow. I'm so damned impressed--that is one awesome freakin' doily... (when you're done w/all this, treat yourself to something soft, scrumptious, and highly lofty on the will feel like eating a whole chocolate cake...)

  9. Far out, that doily is just stunning... *faints*
