Monday, August 14, 2006

It's like a day at the zoo.

Only... who is on the outside?

Other than that, the Blue Shimmer continues and looks much like the last photo I posted. The goal has been to go from one increase round to the next, per day. So far I've made it, but the increase rounds are getting further apart. I still might make the finished-yoke goal of the 23rd. (I want to re-measure my intended victim while we're in Ohio, so I know how much solid blue to add to the yoke, before moving into sleeve/body action.)

You know, having never knit a yoke sweater, and having never knit a sweater from the top down before, this whole thing's quite an adventure. Next time I want to go to Alaska instead.


  1. "Outside" is really just a matter of perspective, now isn't it?

  2. if I could spend my entire day knitting I wouldnt get into half the trouble I seem to get into know...I mean studdying community services for heavens sake!!!! but I get a great deal od joy from seeing other peoples knitted articles and reading the trials and tribulations..keep up the good work (broom sticks make crap needles...honest..!

  3. you certainly have a clean floor.

    sorry, my vacuum's been broken for weeks and i'd rather buy yarn. so i'm living vicariously, floor wise, through others.

  4. That is one cute drool-monkey... would love to see the sweater...
