Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lameass filler.

There's a little Q&A going around some cooking blogs (this one too), and I thought it would be fun to do here. Mainly because I did almost no knitting in the last 24 hours, and there's nothing to report. (I was supposed to do NO knitting, but found myself, yesterday afternoon, obsessively knitting on the Blue Shimmer swatch, telling myself I was an idiot. I did about five rows; the color bit is almost done, and then back to more plain light blue stockinette. Matching gauge between the color and the plain knitting's going to be a real treat.)

The baby finally figured out how to crawl forward yesterday afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day chasing her down. She even followed me into the kitchen while I was making dinner, fascinated by the different floor texture (tile instead of the carpet she's used to). As Trish told me, I'm entering the Toddler Zone. I'm doomed.

So anyway. Here's the lameass filler, er, list:

1. Ice. Lots of it. (We like our drinks with ice.)
2. A Weight Watchers frozen dinner that's been there since the week we moved in, making it, roughly, a year and a half old.
3. A loaf of bread.
4. Frozen fruit pops.
5. Booze.

For fun, I'm going to make this about The Closet, not the closet in my bedroom. That's just full of clothes. The Closet is in my office.
1. Almost a wall of yarn. (I'm working on it.)
2. Two sewing machines.
3. A milk crate full of color cards.
4. A fully-equipped tool box.
5. A stack of bolts of fabric (I worked at a fabric store in the early 90's and am still digging out from under the stuff I brought home. Good thing I never worked in a book store.)

Well, Jeep. Same idea.
1. French-fry holder. (Usually contains my cell phone.)
2. Baby seat.
3. Mag light. (For head bashing emergencies.)
4. Kleenex.
5. Stroller. (A Jeep stroller. Of course.)

1. Department of Defense identification. (Not that impressive, all military dependents have them.)
2. Discount cards from local book stores.
3. Driver's licence. (Hawaiian. It expires this year. I am sad.)
4. Ticket to Epcot Center when I went with my mother in, uh, like 1993.
5. Expired EMT certification card. (I used to be one. Not now.)

Maybe I should go knit something.

1 comment:

  1. Julie, you will hopefully find your little toddler-to-be just so delightful that you will never ever be bored while not knitting.
