Thursday, July 06, 2006


I can't seem to stop writing blog posts today...

Since Knitty went live a little over 25 hours ago, I have had more than two hundred hits here on my modest little blog. I can't tell you how humbled I am, that people from all over the world pop over to see what I'm knitting (ALL OVER! Israel, Hong Kong, Brazil, New Zealand... I can't quit checking my stat counter, it's like an obsession). The Internet is a strange and wonderful thing, isn't it? I'd be challenged to find another knitter in my own town, but now I know knitters all around the world. (I'm old enough that I remember a Time Before The Internet. That puts it all into perspective.)

Anyway, another big welcome, and I hope you like it here.


  1. Hi. Thanks for the color lesson. Always a help.

  2. Today is a day for posts. I did the same thing on my blog. A "gazillion" things to post and finally started. :0)
    My daughter will love that you are the Samurai Knitter.
    I'm going to check back often - I too remember pre-internet when I couldn't find other knitters in my town and knitting in the LYS just wasn't done on a regular basis.
    I was made fun of because I was "too young" to waste my time knitting (gasp!) I was 30! Many moons ago.
    I too, have one of those color blind ex's that swear yellow ochre is green!
    I had an experience with a woman in one of my knitting groups who brought a modular knitted blanket - her background color is RED: spot on red. She has every other color in the chart in this thing. It's one of the most fabulous things I've ever seen (the knitting guild was speechless). She's knitting randomly grabbed colors out of a scrap box and then knitting all the squares together with the red. For some reason it all comes together whether or not everything in the square clashes -it works!
    I forget to use color and get hung up in "matching" and/or varigated colors only. Thanks for the reminders. :0)

  3. You live in my favorite place in the world AND you write AND knit!

    I'll be back ;-)

  4. a great peice!
    i think i have reread it twice so far.
    thank you for it!!

    and i know what you mean. my blog blew up once knitty went live! neat & funny, but then all of a sudden i felt really boring! lol.
