Saturday, January 28, 2006

Inspiration, honesty (mine), and a little extra yarn money.

I've been working on a new article for Knitty, and during the great rummaging I've done through the internet, searching out cool photos of historical bits of knitting (there's both more and less than you would think), I ran across a site that is great fun: The Victoria and Albert Musem has an on-line exhibit of knitted artifacts. Knitting archives home, V&A. The Victoria and Albert Museum is sort of like the Smithsonian of textiles. They've got everything. If you hit their home page, you can choose among many things besides knitting, but the knitting stuff will get you started. There are several objects in there I want to copy shamelessly. And some just make me go "ooooo". Case in point, the liturgical gloves to the left. Very cool, no? I can't begin to guess what the gauge is, but it's teeny tiny.

Honesty compells me to admit that this morning there appeared in my checking account an $8.99 credit from Patternworks. Apparently they got the little, ah, love note, that I wrote them after the $3.99 shipping fiasco. Not a word otherwise; no apology, no excuse, not even a notice that they were crediting my account. Which goes to show their customer service sucks, which was rather the point of my love note in the first place. Anyway, they tried to make it right in their half-assed way, and here I am announcing it, just to be fair. I still doubt I'll every buy from them again. Someone else sells Reynolds' Saucy Sport, right?

1 comment:

  1. Julie, those gloves are amazing! My eyes are crossing just imagining doing that work, but wow. I'm always amazed not only at the work itself, but the fact that people found the time to do this intricate, complex work in a time when their whole lives required so much extra work. Pretty humbling.

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Chris, aka Queen-a Athena
