I've long thought that you could tell everything you needed to know about a woman (or man?) by the contents of their purse. And while I still believe that, I realized yesterday that for me at least, it might be more educational to look at the bottom of my knitting bag.
See what you can figure out from this:
-USB charger that works on both kindles and my phone
-Go Fish deck of cards
-asthma inhaler
-at least a dozen pens and pencils
-paper napkins
-a straw
-crayons (neatly in a plastic bag)
-TWO asthma inhalers (seriously, Julie?)
This is in addition to the stuff I throw in when leaving the house, namely Kindle, pattern, books, knitting project, wallet, and phone. Oh, and keys.
I am choosing to blame all this on the Goober. Surely the crayons are all her fault.